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    How to choose a Digital Marketing agency

    Escrito por: Diligent Team

    More than once when I´m exchanging Business cards from 021BCN at events arises comments like “My nephew created my website”, “our intern is the one managing the blog”, “a guys that likes to search for stuff on the Internet in the one managing our Facebook”… I don´t know if they say it on purpose as a way to measure people´s patience or is it because they all got together and agreed on what to say when it comes to Digital Marketing.

    The truth is that you shouldn´t trust your company's communication to just any guy, only because he/she is good finding things on the Internet or a Facebook addict. The fact that you know how to use a typewriter doesn´t make you a writer. Which means, that not necessarily because you know how to use Facebook means that you know how to communicate, that you deeply know your competitors, or that you know how to optimize your channels and approach your potential customers.

    The truth is that if you are reading this article is because you are starting to realize that it may be worth leaving your business communication to a professional team that can manage getting your message across. Therefore, it´s important to choose a Digital Marketing agency that suits your needs, your resources and help you save time.

    7 tips for choosing wisely your Digital Marketing agency 


    First, I recommend that you look for an agency that has in their portfolio projects that adapt to what you need. For instance, if you have a law firm or a restaurant it is best to work with an agency specialized on those sectors. Experience matters, a lot, it will save you time explaining what the priorities and the technical language of you legal practice or restaurant are.

    In the same way, I suggest that you take a closer look in search of projects that matches your requests so that you can see how they have developed the communication strategy. It will also give you an idea of ​​the graphic solutions implemented, and how their graphic style is.

    It´s also important that you analyze their customers, note the quantity and quality, and if it adapts to your business needs. It is not the same having the experience of working for a large hotel than for a small local business.


    One way of knowing the knowledge and professionalism level of an agency is by reading their corporate blog. Look at the number of posts they have and the interaction level. In there you should find useful and valuable content that gives you some sort of guidance on how to solve your needs. In there, it should be clear that they know what they are talking about, and especially, that they like it.

    Reputation and Online Presence

    Check if they practice what they preach. In other words, take a look at their level of influence and interaction within the online environment. Think about this: would you trust your Facebook FanPage communication to an agency that has no likes on Facebook? If the agency promises you 1000 likes on Facebook per month, see how many likes they have. The agency should be an example of the image it sells. Their web and social networks should be their best sales pitch.


    Make sure they have the right human capital to solve your needs. In any Digital Marketing agency there should be professionals with background in: advertising, digital strategy, web design- development-responsiveness, social media management (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, Pinterest, etc.), content development, graphic design, SEO and SEM strategies, and web analytics.


    To choose the best Digital Marketing agency does not necessarily depend on their fabulous offices, in fact, if they have amazing headquarters probably you will see it reflected in the estimate. However, it is clear that if you meet at a hotel lobby or in a nice bar and never get invited to their offices, mmmmmm! Houston, we have a problem!

    Payment flexibility

    Nowadays, the payment options are one of the most relevant factors when selecting an agency. It´s important to know what are their payment and financing options, and how willing they are to adapt to your resources.


    Before hiring any agency, I strongly recommend that you meet them face to face, have coffee (or tea :D) together. Base your decision also in the impression they give you, not only numbers. Ask yourself: are they proactive or always waiting for your instructions? You will be seeing a lot of each other, good chemistry and good communication are a most!


    I hope that these few tips give you an idea on ​​how to choose a Digital Marketing agency that suits your needs well, and how to make sure they are the professional team you need to make your services/products reach the right audience.

    Until next time!


    Write by Jerom Tomàs
    Translated By Nathaly Hermida

    Categorías : Online Marketing

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