The Impact of Web 2.0 on Consumer Purchase Decisions: Prosumer and Crossumer
Escrito por: Diligent Team
When Internet came into our lives back in the 1990´s it was hard to imagine how it would radically change our communications, relationships, jobs, and businesses. Companies have evolved and adapted to the new rules that the digital era placed into force. But they are not the only ones that changed. The impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions have created a well informed consumer, and depending on the case: prosumer or crossumer.
The impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions: what is prosumer and crossumer?
Participate, produce, share, review. We are now in the Big Conversation Era, where every day around 120.000 blogs are created, and 17 posts are published every second. The New York Times has more information in one day than what a single person could have reached during his entire life in the XIX century. The prosumer era has arrived!
Prosumer is an acronym originally formed by contracting producer with the word consumer.
What characterizes a prosumer?
- Prosumers don't only listen to what brands have to say, they talk to them, because now they can.
- They share online their thoughts about brands, products, and / or services.
- A true prosumer not only receives content, he or she also produces it.
- Prosumers are relevant to brands and are often included in Digital Marketing Strategies from relevant companies.
Did you identify yourself with any from the above?
What characterizes a crossumer?
Now that we know what a Prosumer is let´s see more about the impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions and the role of the Crossumer:
- Committed character: a crossumer it´s not necessarily a disappointed consumer that doesn't listen to brands. If he is against it he will manifest it, and if he likes it no doubt he will share it.
- Understands the marketing and advertising language: he is familiar to marketing research, techniques, and strategies.
- He always asks himself: what do they want to sell me?
- A true crossumer easily differentiates information from persuasion.
- All crossummers give greater confidence to information and ratings from different online communities.
After reading the above do you consider yourself a crossumer or more of a prosumer? I personally believe we can be both depending on the context and situation, the impact of web 2.0 on consumer purchase decisions constantly manifests in all of us. Before buying a new car or a nice computer we first go online to see what others have to say about it. We now trust people more than sales reps. Companies are starting to talk to us on a more direct and personal way, and have realized that they are not the ones with the last word. They are who they are because of us. No clients, no business.
Until next time my prosumers and crossumers! 🙂
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Categorías : Communications, Online Marketing
Etiquetas: crossumer new online customer prosumer purchase cycle
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